Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ship Models

These are models that may be used on the board to represent the various armies that are in the last post on this blog. The arrow indicates the direction that the ship travels.


Army Sheets

These are 4 armies, of various ships they are all designed to be unique, but (on paper) balanced. With this game being in an early state of design, it's really important for us to have feed back. Comments on any element of game play or confusion would be most welcome.

As a quick note, The ships with different listings of items within their hexes are ships that move as one unit. The armies with Fighter (F1, F2, F3 etc.) class ships that are 1 Hex in size act independently and the Army Sheet is just used to keep track of how much damage each ship has taken.

Getting Started

Greetings and Welcome to the Enmity blog, a new, simple and fast strategy board game. It is designed to allow players to design and battle armies of their own based on some simple to use and easy to learn tools.

For starters we have created a 'Play Now' guide, this will teach the basic game. There is also a board which can be printed off multiple times, and oriented as the players see fit based on the kind of space battle that they desire.

Coming Soon:

Example Armies & Ship Models for their respective Armies.


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Coming Soon...

Coming soon is a new game. This is a game where the player builds an army of their choosing, fully customizable based in a balanced, and scalable point system.